At JC Financials, we specialize in law firm accounting.

We are a team of 5 with extensive experience in law firm accounting, law society audits, bank reconciliation, payroll, migration and training. We understand that as a lawyer your time is valuable, and you are busy with your practice. This is where we can come in and help you manage your financial needs.

Janice Carty

Klaudia Hideg

Who Are We?

Company who treats you like family.

We are made of professionals with diverse skill sets. We understand that getting a handle on bank financing, taxes and Law Society compliance can be overwhelming. This is where we come in. We love numbers, problems, challenges and coming up with different solutions to your problems. We pride ourselves on being an outside the box thinkers.

While we are located in Ontario, we have extensive knowledge of accounting and Law Society rules throughout Canada.


Helping our clients to make educated decisions

Our Mission

Add value to our clients by providing an extensive range of professional services that enable them to achieve their financial and management goals.

Our Values

We value our family of staff, clients and vendors. We aim to constantly improve our knowledge and capability by continually developing our skills.


I bring over 10 years of experience working in accounting, and 3 years in bookkeeping and payroll professional services in various industries. I recognize the need for affordable, outsourced bookkeeping solutions for businesses that do not require full-time bookkeeping and I am looking forward the challenges that comes with it. I am energetic and passionate about aiding small to medium-sized businessowners with their bookkeeping needs.

I’m a self-motivated, result-oriented, strategic thinking with an ability to develop and adapt financialmodels using my highly sight after analytic skills.

I have experience creating and running various reports, producing billing/ebilling, bank reconciliations, budgeting, accounts payables, account receivables, year-end, and month-end closing, and payroll. I also have strong computer skills and my ability has lead me to enjoy building and customizing reports that will meet our client’s needs.

I am currently volunteering as a Treasurer on Olive Branch of Hope’s board.

Outside of work, I enjoy long walks with my dog, cooking gourmet, reading, traveling, hiking and spending time with my family.


I started my career as a legal accounting clerk and have spent more than 10 years in the legal field at firms of various sizes. I believe that lawyers should practice law and not spend their time on anything else.

Throughout the years I have built great and long lasting relationships not only the legal community but also as part of the TLOMA ( The Law Office Management Association ) organization. For the last 3 years, I have been part of the Conference Committee where I am responsible for the educational content of a 3 day event.

I have experience ranging from every day accounting and project management using the latest accounting softwares, process mapping, to implementing new technologies for start-up law firms

I am currently working as a Controller,but outside of work, I love to travel and learn about different cultures,I enjoy a good read, attending cultural events and spending time playing softball or ice skating.

Let’s Talk

Let’s make something great together. Join our clients who rely on our trusted services to maintain their financial needs and help them to grow their businesses.

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Join our Webinar Family!

Life is a continuous event. Join our monthly live webinar where you can learn about different topics such as accounting, human resources and business management. Once a quarter, we will be holding round table discussion where we can exchange of information among individuals who have extensive bookkeeping, management and administrative knowledge.

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